screen composer, orchestral arranger
Featured Works
ŠKODA TV advertisement
Music arrangement / production: Yumi Mashiki
My musical arrangement of Beethoven's 'Moonlight Sonata', created for FILMSTRO features in this tv and cinema advert for Skoda cars, starring Bradley Wiggins, British Olympic cyclist.

'Give it More with Knorr' TV advertisement (2024)
Company: Big Sync Music
Music composition: Yumi Mashiki
Wall's Cornetto TV advertisement (2021/2022/2023)
Company: Big Sync Music
Music arrangement / production: Yumi Mashiki
Privileged to arrange ‘O Sole Mio’ - the eternal Cornetto musical theme!

Classical Modern Drama
Production Music Album
(released 06 September 2022)
Company: Alt-Life Music/ BMG Production Music
Popular classical themes re-imagined for a modern world.

Battlefiled Drama
Production Music Album
(released August 2024)
Company: Alt-Life Music/ BMG Production Music
Four tracks contributed.

Retro Crime & Gangster
Production Music Album
(released in April 2024)
Company: A4PM/ BMG Production Music
A collaboration with the talented singer-songwriter, Natalie Oliveri and composer, Paul Tornbohm. Four tracks contributed.
From dark and brooding classical Italian romance to groovy jazz inspired orchestrations, this collection covers everything from old gangland feuds to crime and investigation dramas of yesteryear.

Chinese Storybook
Production Music Album
(released 25 September 2023)
Company: Alt-Life Music/ BMG Production Music
Tradition Chinese folk music re-imagined for a modern world. A collaboration with the talented Chinese singer and musician, Yijia Tu.

Infra-Ordinary Lab at Prague Quadrennial 2023
Music for an art piece (Participatory Performance) by artist Tereza Stehlíková
Venue: Holešovice Market, Prague Date: 10, 12, 15, 17 June 2023

Ophelia in Exile
Music for a multi-media art installation by artist Tereza Stehlíková
Exhibition dates: 8 October 2021 - 4 March 2022
@Vitrínka Gallery, Czech Centre London
30 Kensington Palace Gardens, London, W8 4QY
Drifts & Flurries
Compilation album
(released 22 January 2021)
Company: Second Language Music Label
Listen to my track 'Applecross' included in this winter-themed compilation album from Second Language Music.

Epic Japan Hybrids
Production Music Album
(released 04 January 2021)
Company: Alt-Life Music/ BMG Production Music

Avenue with Trees
Compilation album
(released 14 August 2020)
Company: Second Language Music Label
My track 'Ophelia' is included in a very special compilation album on Second Language Music.
"Yumi Mashiki's 'Ophelia' is a delicate piano composition that hangs in the evening air with exquisite fragility" - Electronic Sound Magazine

From Primary Senses
Soundscape for an art exhibition at ARToba gallery in Japan.
Visual Art: Linda Dennis
Soundscape: Yumi Mashiki
Soundscape created for an exhibition in the coastal town Toba, Japan. The work includes folk songs and sounds collected through field recordings.

Educational audio and music player
Company: TIMIO B.V.
Music arrangement /compositions: Yumi Mashiki
TIMIO is an educational audio and music player for younger children. It includes my compositions and arrangements of
international children's songs.

Video & Music
Yumi Mashiki is a classically-trained composer and arranger based in London.
Combining contemporary classical styles with modern electronics, her commissioned work covers films, art exhibitions, commercials and production music. Yumi also offers expertise in orchestral arrangements, programming and score preparation for recording sessions.
In 2013, Yumi began an on-going creative collaboration with film-maker, Tereza Stehlíková, with screenings at the Whitechapel Gallery and the Open Senses Festival in London. Yumi’s scores have also accompanied films at Cannes, Beijing College Film Festival and the Newport International Film Festival. Her orchestration projects include theme-park music at Tokyo Disneyland. On various library production albums, Yumi has explored fusions of traditional Japanese instruments with electronic instruments, as well as experimental arrangements of well-known classical pieces. In 2020, Yumi contributed a re-worked film composition, ‘Ophelia’ to the compilation album, ‘Avenue with Trees’, on the Second Language label, described in Electronic Sound magazine as “a delicate piano composition that hangs in the evening air with exquisite fragility".
A Masters graduate in Film and TV composition from Kingston University, her further study includes the Hollywood music workshop with award-winning composer/orchestrator, Conrad Pope. A BAFTA Connect member since 2024.
© 2024 by Yumi Mashiki. All rights reserved.